Blind regression: Nonparametric regression for latent variable models via collaborative filtering
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pp. 2155-2163
D. Song, C.E. Lee, Y. Li, D. Shah
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D. Song, C.E. Lee, Y. Li, D. Shah
Local Algorithms for Approximate Inference in Minor-Excluded Graphs
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pp. 729-736, 2008
K. Jung, D. Shah
Publisher's website
K. Jung, D. Shah
Approximate message-passing inference algorithm
2007 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Tahoe City, CA, 2007, pp. 224-229
K. Jung, D. Shah
Publisher's website
K. Jung, D. Shah
Computing the Stationary Distribution Locally
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pp. 1376-1384, 2013
C.E. Lee, A. Ozdaglar, D. Shah
Publisher's website
C.E. Lee, A. Ozdaglar, D. Shah
Hardness of parameter estimation in graphical models
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 27, pp. 1062-1070
G. Bresler, D. Gamarnik, D. Shah
Publisher's website
G. Bresler, D. Gamarnik, D. Shah
Efficient rank aggregation using partial data
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, Volume 40, Issue 1, pp.355-366
A. Ammar, D. Shah
Publisher's website
A. Ammar, D. Shah
The use of memory in randomized load balancing
Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2002, pp. 125
D. Shah, B. Prabhakar
Publisher's website
D. Shah, B. Prabhakar
Optimal queue-size scaling in switched networks
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, Volume 40, Issue 1, pp.17-28
D. Shah, N. Walton, Y. Zhong
Publisher's website
D. Shah, N. Walton, Y. Zhong
Structure learning of antiferromagnetic Ising models
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pp. 2852-2860
G. Bresler, D. Gamarnik, D. Shah
Publisher's website
G. Bresler, D. Gamarnik, D. Shah
Source Coding with Distortion through Graph Coloring
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Nice, 2007, pp. 1501-1505
V. Doshi, D. Shah, M. Médard
Publisher's website
V. Doshi, D. Shah, M. Médard
Stable algorithms for input queued switches
Proceedings of the Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Volume 39: No.2, 2001, p.1108
D. Shah
Publisher's website
D. Shah
A Data-Driven Approach to Modeling Choice
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2009, pp.504-512
V. Farias, S. Jagabathula, D. Shah
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V. Farias, S. Jagabathula, D. Shah
Fully distributed algorithms for convex optimization problems
Proceedings of International Symposium on distributed computing (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), Volume 4731, pp. 492-499, September 2007.
D. Mosk-Aoyama, T. Roughgarden, D. Shah
Publisher's website
D. Mosk-Aoyama, T. Roughgarden, D. Shah
Learning Mixed Multinomial Logit Model from Ordinal Data
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pp. 593-603
S. Oh, D. Shah
Publisher's website
S. Oh, D. Shah
Counting good truth assignments of random k-SAT formulae
Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, New Orleans, Louisiana, pp. 1255-1264
A. Montanari, D. Shah
Publisher's website
A. Montanari, D. Shah
Revisiting stochastic loss networks: structures and algorithms
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, Volume 36, Issue 1, pp. 407-418
K. Jung, Y. Lu, D. Shah, M. Sharma, M.S. Squillante
Publisher's website
K. Jung, Y. Lu, D. Shah, M. Sharma, M.S. Squillante
Fair scheduling in input-queued switches under inadmissible traffic
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N. Kumar, R. Pan, D. Shah
Publisher's website
N. Kumar, R. Pan, D. Shah
Rank centrality: Ranking from pair-wise comparisons
arXiv preprint arXiv:1209.1688
S. Negahban, S. Oh, D. Shah
Publisher's website
S. Negahban, S. Oh, D. Shah
A Simpler Max-Product Maximum Weight Matching Algorithm and the Auction Algorithm
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Seattle, WA, 2006, pp. 557-561
M. Bayati, D. Shah, M. Sharma
Publisher's website
M. Bayati, D. Shah, M. Sharma
Switch Scheduling via Randomized Edge Coloring
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G. Aggarwal, R. Motwani, D. Shah, An Zhu
Publisher's website
G. Aggarwal, R. Motwani, D. Shah, An Zhu